The Best Way to Make Your Home and Life Smarter.
A company and a community working together to save time, energy and money in managing their homes and lives.
We’re Building an EcoSystem.
Chock full of deployment partners, technology partners, solution providers, and customers. A Smart Home solution is an integrated solution and the ElectraPort ecosystem is where you’ll find the right integrations to make your vision a reality. Don’t see your solution listed? Click here to view a complete list of supported Things.
One of the main goals of the ElectraPort project and this company is to save our customers time and money in managing their homes. We are currently working on a set of initial case studies with our first set of homeowners and will report the results here as they become available.
Use Cases
The ElectraPort Story
The story of ElectraPort begins in 2018 as a discussion between two friends about monitoring electrical usage in cubicles in businesses. As Covid raged on, the ideas that are the ElectraPort product were taking shape. We started development in earnest in mid-2022.
We set out to make a product simple enough to be worth using. We hope that you find it that way, and it saves you and your family hours and hours of time on managing your home, so you can spend the time together.
Duncan Family Home
Austin, TX